Do you want to make more money?

Do you want control of your time?

Do you want to find and keep good people on your team?

Learn how to build a business that works with you!

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About this event​:

Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 5:30PM-7:30PM MDT

Location: Advantage Bookkeeping and Business Consulting Boardroom

Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm​


5:30 pm - Check in & Networking​

6:00 pm - Presentation starts​

7:30 pm - Presentation ends​

At our next Business Mastery Seminar you’ll discover…​

• The “5 Stages” to building a better, more profitable business​

• How to work “ON” your business and not “IN” your business​

• How to take control of your time​

• How to turn advertising into an investment instead of an expense​

• How to recruit, train, motivate and retain exceptional employees​

• How to systemize your business​

• How to get the quality of life you wanted when you first started your business​

• How to build a commercial, profitable business that works ... without you​

If you are starting a new business, or if you are an established business experiencing challenges related to business growth, team engagement, or profit this is the seminar you do not want to miss.​

Imagine what a transformed business could mean for your life … much more INCOME … less stress … more happiness … more TIME to spend with your family – or doing other things you want to do.​

We guarantee you will walk away with at least 1 Idea you can implement immediately that will get you results.

What Our Attendees Are Saying

Your Mentors​

Jon Anderson MA Leadership​

Certified Business & Leadership Coach​

Peter Lepinski BAdmin CD

Certified Business & Executive Coach

Peter Lepinski BAdmin CD

Certified Business & Executive Coach

Peter and Jon bring over 60 years of combined business experience. They have collectively worked with over a 1,000 businesses, helping them grow and thrive in competitive environments.

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© 2023 Advantage Bookkeeping & Business Consulting